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Mountain Cat

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You can search by keyword, title, author, subject, and series to find the exact item your looking for.

Our Catalog offers Books, Audiobooks, DVD’s, Blue-ray’s,and so much more.

Overdrive or Libby App

Borrow ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines to read on your phone or tablet using the Libby app by OverDrive. You can even send and read your borrowed ebooks to your Kindle ereader!  It’s free and easy to get started for new users and a streamlined experience for current OverDrive app users. Learn more at

Library of Virginia Overdrive website for magazines

Login to see the full collection. (Library Card required)

Novelist Plus

Unique story elements like appeal, genre, and theme – find more in the style you like to read.

Read-a-Likes Recommendations are crafted by experts and are available for authors, titles, and series. Includes audiobooks.


Kanopy- Stream Classic Cinema

Login with your library card, a collection of 30,000+ critically acclaimed movies, documentaries, and kids’ favorites. for more information on how to access Kanopy check out our Niche Academy located on the side of your screen. How For Frequently Asked Questions visit our How Do I Page?

Just For Kids Access Video

The Access Video on Demand: Just for Kids gives children—and their parents—a thoroughly kid-safe, advertisement-free media platform they can freely explore and enjoy.  Just for Kids has the educational videos children want to watch—Sesame StreetThe Electric CompanyThe Wubbulous World of Dr. SeussThe Berenstain BearsFranklin, and thousands more—plus songs, games, and other interactives that are sure to entertain, educate, and inspire young patrons.

Access Just for Kids: Username: wgrl & Password: digital 

WorldeBooks online

World Book eBooks contain something for all ages and all subjects. This digital library includes highly illustrated, engaging titles that span all ages and reading levels.  Some books include interactive games, quizzes, and activities.   Explore your options.

ID: gcplibrary

Password: wb12345

ID: wcplibrary

Password: wb12345

Worldbook online login: website

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